Back in da ville. Just watching some Bravo. The new season of the one of the world's best show ever started again...praise Jesus.
I hope the designers are as good as last year. I mean last year there was Rami, Christian, Jillian and Chris... I could keep going with the amazing designers. I haave hope, Tim and Hiedi wouldn't let me down. It makes me happy that this wonderful part of my life is back. I needed good tv in my life.
In other great fabulous assests in my life is the book... I Heart Recruitment. Yes I said I Heart Recruitment is the title of the book. So you know this book would end up on my bookshelf. Duh! I am completly obsessed with Recruitment. Sadly. I need to go to like Recruiment Obsessed Addiction class. The reason why I know about this book is that when I was at NLC one of the authors, Jessica, gave an amazing presentation. AMAZING! And, she knew where little Zeta Beta was...at Union...she checked us out. Wierd. But awesome. I promote and recommend this book for anyone who is big up the their sorority w
orld like on exec board or if you are a party head or want to be or is Rush Chair (in KD terms...VP-Membership---like me!).

Anyway. I read it in about 2 hours. no joking. I was taking notes, nodding my head and laughing. I loved it. I really think that this book has amazing things to say for any chapter. I know for a fact that this book will make an impact on the Zeta Beta recruitment this year. We are going to rock it. Chi O and Zeta better watch themself. I know we will have some haters on campus. What is new? NOTHING. But, our recruitment will rock. We are bringing value to recruitment. WATCH OUT... THE GOLDEN GIRL WILL BRING HER TOUCH TO RECRUITMENT. Anyway. this is my pet peeve, soap box and passion.
1 comment:
haha you and your recruitment book crack me up!
by the way...I might be in town for Bid Day if Madison & Savannah's birthday party ends up being the same day! if it is, perhaps I will stop by!
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