Friday, July 18, 2008

Bored Out of My Mind

So I am sitting at home...for another night.
I am babysitting Nicole and Nick (doesn't that sound like My Big Fat Greek Wedding- with all the Nick names).
We are watching Elf...makes me miss come certain friends.
I miss all my friends. I am stick of being bored at home by myself and my crazy family. I want to have fun with friends. How long until see all of them again.
This starts my new thing... but I can't deside what to do either.
countdown to Spirit Week aka Kappa Delta Camp or Move In.

I think I might do Move In becuase then I can see ALL of my friends.

I will be back with my discovery of how many days.

Until next time.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I will be home in 2 weeks....14 days.... and then WE can hang out!